Connecting our community with resources during health care challenges through philanthropic innovations.
To be the healthiest community in Wyoming.
“I give back my time to the NEW Community Health Board for many reasons, my grandmother was a recipient of Lifeline through Festival of Trees, my mother in-law used the Heptner Cancer Center and my children received free flu shots through the VIP Project when they were in school. I have personal experiences with several things this Foundation helps with and felt it important to give my time to pay it forward.”
— Kristin McKenney, NEW Community Health Foundation Past President
Our nonprofit organization, through the generosity of individuals, businesses and other foundations, uses resources to improve the lives of our families, friends and neighbors throughout the northeast region of Wyoming.
For every dollar given to the NEW Community Health Foundation, only 19 cents is used for operations.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(307) 257-7057